Monday, February 27, 2012

Last weekend movies (9th week 2012)...

Most probably, this is the last quasi-periodical blog update in at least a month. I'm leaving Singapore, going on real vacations for two weeks and, then, moving back to Mexico...
  1. Sabrina, ****
    Sabrina (Audrey Hepburn), the lovely young daughter of an English chauffeur serving an American family, is deeply in love with the spoiled playboy of the family and can ruin a big merger between corporate families by running away with the youngster. It comes to the old, reliable, business mastermind of the family, Linus (Humphrey Bogart), to avoid such debacle.

  2. Die Welle, ****
    Autocracies are a thing of the past and surely cannot emerge on modern democratic societies. Right? Wrong! Based on The Third Wave experiment of 1967, this awesome German film fictionalizes the real experiment that showed the emergence of fascist, nationalist behavior along high-school teenagers in just one week.

  3. Age of Heroes, ****
    So, you knew that Ian Fleming was in charge of forming a secret commando for the British Army during WWII, right? The 30 Assault Unit was the name and this film seems very much like what should have happened in the beginning of such unit.

  4. Tales of an ancient empire
    I don't understand why Vampire stories are usually all or nothing. I fell asleep after 20min of the film and didn't even cared to try to watch it again. 
I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to keep following the tv-series I have learned to like in the last year and a half here in Singapore, so this may be the last post about this matter:
  1. Last Man Standing S01-E18, ***
    Tim's dad and brother come to town and may be staying there for a long time as they are gonna be building the new store. Of course, that cannot go smooth at the first try.

  2. Castle S04-E16, ***
    The mystery left over from last week is solved when Beckett and Castle are in the midst of a cold war sleeper attempt to start world war three.

  3. Hawaii Five O S02-E17, ***
    The unit has to solve the murder of a successful liner builder which happens to be a Hawaiian history fan. The suspects go from a petty thief to a possible eco-terrorist but, in the end, the motif is as simple as possible: pure greed.

  4. Big Bang Theory S05-E18, ***
    The episode is named "The werewolf transformation." Sheldon starts becoming a chaotic character after failing to get his scheduled hair cut due to the barber being in coma.

  5. Psych, (not yet back?)

  6. Once upon a time S01-E13, ***
    The story book is back, the story behind prince charming and Midas' daughter is finished, and the mysterious writer is starting to leave the background and playing a role. Interesting.  

  7. Comic Book Men S01-E02, ***
    The second out of six episodes reality show based at Kevin Smith's comic book store: Jay and Bob's Secret Stash. The 60s Batmobile comes to the store and the guys try to play ball hockey without any glory at all. 

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