Monday, January 16, 2012

Last weekend movies...

Lyx and I both got a very busy week, but we still have the Audrey Hepburn bug...
  1. My Fair Lady, ****
    Based on the theater play, it tells the story of Eliza Doolittle a young street girl with a drive who search and becomes the experiment of Prof. Higgins, a brilliant scholar of language, who believes that in early XX century London language defines status. It would have been five stars if Hepburn had sang her parts and if they had done with the kill-time-while-the-scenery-is-changed songs.

  2. Life as we know it, ***
    Sophie is a baby who lost her parents in a car accident and is left at the care of her mother's best friend and her father's best friend, who are a pair of self-centered modern adults used to have the life they wanted. It's a fresh romantic comedy with this modern twist on the idea of love in the times of ego.
More and more series are coming back...
  1. Last Man Standing S01-E13, ****
    Mike is an angry man but any man has a hearth and now the girls manage to have a puppy for a few days and Ed... well, Ed manages to make him angrier by almost re-branding outdoor man to compensate for time-lost with his daughter.

  2. Hawaii Five O S02-E12-13, **
    I just skipped episode 12 last week! The guys solve a triple murder and Chin gets married. The special forces are back in action and McGarret has to deal with the fine line between friend/enemy again, but this time it is even closer to his heart.

  3. Big Bang Theory S04-E12, ****
    Sheldon finds out that buying forgive-me trinkets is just his strategy for a happy relationship as Amy, brilliant as she is, is still a girl and not Sheldon. The rest of the guys deal with manhood in the old fashioned way (Howard), loneliness (Leonard) and some strange gayness (Raj).

  4. Revenge S01-E01-13, ***
    Amanda Clark's father is framed for a crime he didn't commit and dies in shame while in prison, she comes back to the Hamptons as Emily Thorne, loaded with money and ready to revenge on all those who helped framing her dad. The first five episodes are nice and fast-paced but the rest become a little bit too slow and cliche. Oh, yes, the under-laying idea is Monte Cristo. Lyx calls it "a drama" but it has all my qualifiers for soap-opera: i) String music during dramatic pauses, ii) Guys with more stylized eyebrows than girls, iii) Someone falling into a coma, iv) That someone coming out from the coma with amnesia
And yes, we still have more Audrey Hepburn to come thanks to Lyx despite the fact that she doesn't seem to like me pointing out how beautiful, gorgeous and astounding Audrey Hepburn was. 

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