Monday, January 30, 2012

Last weekend movies (5th week 2012)

Compared to last weekend, this one was a bad movie weekend. I also grew a little bit bored of doing nothing and decided to get some work done. Nevertheless, I'm trying to keep with my vacation goal: to watch and read as much media as possible...
  1. Moneyball, ****
    Based on the story of Billy Beane, one of the first baseball managers to put together a team based on computer analyzed statistics who is still trying to win a championship. I never know how to classify biographic films, I guess this is a drama. It has a good pace and flows. I actually enjoyed it.

  2. Immortals, ***
    King Hyperion marches against the Greek gods and it's up to Theseus to stop him before he frees the Titans. I really liked this film, the visual design is impressive—say, e.g., the young golden gods and the golden but dirtied demi-god Theseus—and the landscape composition is impressive. The retold of Theseus and the Minotaur is amazing!

  3. Colombiana, ***
    A drug lord's family is murdered and only his little girl survives. She grows up to be a perfect assassin looking for revenge. The film was scripted by my favorite femme-fatale enthusiast Luc Besson—Mathilda, Nikita, Leeloo—. It's a good action film with a lot of parkour.

  4. Johnny English Reborn, ***
    Johnny English left the British secret service in disgrace but happenstances bring him back and gets a chance to clean his name. Mr. Atkinson comedy is good, specially his faces. It's a no brainer, I just sat down and laughed for half the movie.

  5. 11-11-11, **
    A writer losses his family and stats realizing that bad things happen to his family on November 11th, but the worst is yet to happen. In the beginning I started to get bored with this horror film, but then came the ending and I really loved it. I have always loved non-hollywood endings.

  6. Killer Elite, **
    A retired assassin is blackmailed and brought back to kill a team of ex-SAS soldiers involved in the assassination of a Sheikh's family in Oman. A passable action film, not so much action, not so much of a story, one of the stars is just out of respect to Al Pacino.

  7. Salvation Boulevard, **
    A not-so-sure born-again-christian is witness to an accidental shooting committed by his mega-church preacher who decides to keep everything under the table. It's a great farcical film on the subject of false and self-justified "faith."  
Really, what is happening with television series? ...
  1. Last Man Standing, (no episode?)

  2. Castle S04-E13, ****
    A dog judge and trainer gets killed and it is up to Castle and Beckett to find out the reason why.

  3. Hawaii Five O S02-E14, ****
    The mystery of the past is unfolding as a robbery entangles with the past.

  4. Big Bang Theory S05-E14, ****
    It's back to the beginning with Leonard dating penny and everybody else being their old selves from the first season.

  5. Psych, (not yet back?)

  6. Wilfred S01-E01,  ***
    An US remake of the Oz series, a suicidal man finds a "friend" in the bastardy dog of his hot neighbor.

  7. Once upon a time S01-E01-07,
    The land of fairy tales suffered a horrible fate, the Evil Queen curse them to a place of horrors: our world. Now, it is upon Snow White's daughter and grandson to fix things in Storybrooke, Maine, and end the curse.
It seems like we are getting a curse too, because Lyx and I haven't found time to sit down and watch those old  films with Audrey Hepburn. I really hope we can do something about it next weekend. 

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