Sunday, February 13, 2011

Last weekend movies...

It was the lunar new year, or Chinese New Year, and it meant a four and a half days long weekend. I focused my attention on sleeping and relax in order to start a new project that involves learning how to program in python. Thus, I spent a lot of time watching tv-series and one movie:

  1. Shutter Island, *****
    I have never been disappointed by a film directed by Martin Scorsese. His movies have all the old times signs and methods. The duet DiCaprio-Scorsese has been quite good in the last decade, add to it the supporting roles of Ben Kingsley and Max von Sydow and you have an awesome movie. The story is not predictable due to its many twists and keeps you making wild hypothesis that may or may not be true in the end.
On the tv-series side, I started watching an awesome series, Lie to me. I sat through the first season of this serial featuring Tim Roth playing a behavioral scientist that can spot any deception. Quiet curious is the case of two British men playing two researchers interested in lies; I mean the House MD and Lie to me cases. I cannot wait for the second season! On the other hand, Glee is not so funny any more, but the music is still great, I managed to catch up all the way to episode ten. I couldn't find a way to watch Big Bang Theory this weekend but I guess the guys were in some strange and funny circumstances. Anyway, right now I'm more focused on getting my hands on the second season of Lie to me. And that's all in the lazy weekend front.Link

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