Monday, February 28, 2011

Last weekend movies...

It has been two weekends since I last updated the movie list. There has been little time for movies as we were submitting a new paper, but I managed to see these fil

  1. Red, ****
    The film is loosely based in the homonymous Wildstorm mini series. Actually, the movie tells a better story than the comic. I think they made a prelude comic mini series for the film. I couldn't stop laughing through the film, it is a very funny action romantic comedy. It is a no-thinker. A must see!

  2. Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs, **
    Lately, I have been trying to watch animations due to the fact that I got flabbergasted by the CGI quality from "How to Train Your Dragon." The technology is there, but not every animated films rises the budget to use it. This film was rather disappointing, not good story, not impressive CGI.
On the tv-series side, I have finished with all three seasons of Lie to me. I really don't understand what happened between the second and third season. The characters didn't evolve, they just changed completely. The main character just had a different psyche that you can even see in the non-behavioral stances; e.g. the main character went from driving a Prius to driving and old BMW.

Also, I found my way to catch up with Big Bang Theory. The boys are back! I was finding it duller and duller but the last three episodes have been a great come back to the original dynamical comedy it was during the first and second season. Good one for the producing and writing team!

That was all, see you next week, maybe.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Damned: El Indio

There is a man in front of me. I was about to write 'an old man' but I realized that the deep wrinkles on his face are a result of inclement weather exposure rather than age. He speaks a rural sort of Spanish in an affable manner. Although he uses 'patron' to refer to me and the others, he is not condescending, nor patronizing. His whole stance perspires an aura of self abandon.

— You know patron, 'la mula no era arisca, la hicieron a palos.' I used to be one of the best in the wood household furniture business. People from the Capital came to my workshop and ordered dinning sets, living room sets, the whole thing.

— I learned from my Tata; my father got no time for teaching us kids while trying to get the frijoles for the family. So I sat with the old man learning how to carve the wood, how to understand its flow, how to see beyond the trunk into the chair, the bed or the door.

Ansina es, those were good years. Hard but good. The town was peaceful. You could close the workshop after a long day and walk to the plaza to see the muchachas while sipping from a glass of aguardiente. That's how I met my wife, Dios la tenga en su santa gloria.

— Those cabrones came one day, with their rifles and trucks. They went workshop by workshop, visiting all the craftsmen in the Pueblo. They said that we had not to worry about the crime and the war as far as we help them helping us. We were peaceful hard working men, the mayor and the authorities were there, seeing all of this and they did nothing, thus we collected the money they asked and waited for them to come back.

— And they came back, three days later. With more people, more trucks and more guns. Even though we gave them the ten thousand pesos they asked, they took some of our muchachos and muchachas. We never saw them again.

Si, that's when we decided to arm ourselves. You see patron, we didn't want any trouble. If we had to eat just tortillas for one month to give them the money they asked, it was okay; we were peaceful before that visit.

— My boys? One of them lost his wife, those ojetes took her. He and his brothers started sharpening their machetes. I went to the Capital and signed in the oficina of Sedena to get a shotgun. We didn't want to loose our beloved ones again.

El indio es ladino, we have to be cunning to survive in this country. We have learned to be strong and patient. So we cried our lost and prepare; watching posts were constructed on the two entrances to the Pueblo and we sat down to wait.

— And they came, six months later. So confident, so regal, like they were the dueños del pueblo. Ahi mesmo se quedaron. Those that were not caught dead ran away like shamed dogs. We thought they would learn that 'el valiente manda hasta que el cobarde quiere.'

— That's when the face slap came. The army came, three days after we repelled the bastards. We were happy when we see the convoy coming. We thought our prayers were answered. What a foolish thought it was. The army sweep the Pueblo that day, house by house, workshop by workshop, and they took with them everything that could be used as a weapon. By dusk the army left...

— Si patron, not two hours after the army left, those cabrones came back. They collected all of us in the plaza, raped our girls and wifes, beat our old to death, they took all of our youngest, assassinated the mayor and our union leaders in the kiosko in front of everybody else. And then, while those cabrones... while those culeros took turns with our wives... while everything happened there, in front of our miserable eyes... while they beat the soul out of my body... then I saw the jefe de policia with them, ese puto, taking a beer and having dinner with the capos like nothing happened.

— I survived; my pobrecita gorda and sons didn't. When the cabrones left, I crawled to su humilde casa and then out of town into the sierra to gather my forces. I don't know how long I was there, in the sierra, thinking, planning, waiting, the pain eating at my mind and my entrails.

— Then I found the other cabrones. I was deep in the sierra tracking a venado that I was hit early that day when I stumbled into their sembradio. The guards found me when I was leaving with the beast in my shoulders.

— I realized this were the others. I told them my story and asked for a chance to help them. They smiled, they smiled a lot at my despair and thirst for vengeance. Again, they beat me until they were tired, and refrain from killing me just because they were in need of men.

— They took me as servant, I would clean their clothes, cook for them, do all the menial tasks. They kept me chained the whole time. After a few months of asking for a chance to show them my hatred towards the other cabrones, they saw my rage and need of vengeance. They gave a gun and a machete and left me in the outskirt of the Pueblo.

Mi Pueblo was a sad view to already sore eyes. The place where I grew up, always colorful with the shinny facades and the well kept gardens, was no more. Half the houses were empty and most of the faces were new. I managed to find some of those that I have met and they told me how the survivors left at the first chance and how the cabrones came and took their houses. We talked in hushed voices, we drank aguardiente, we planned and waited...

— It was hard to do, but we had our hearts and souls rotten with rage. As silently as possible we visited each and every one of the occupied houses to slit their throats as they slept. As dueños del pueblo they were overconfident and unprepared. It was not easy, but not many of us died. When morning came, we got together in the plaza, sip some aguardiente and said adios.

— I started my way to the sierra, when the other cabrones picked me up. They had seen everything from afar and were delighted with our work. They took me back to the sembradio as one of them, I cooked a guajolote for them and they brought out the whiskey bottles. In their borrachera, nobody realized I was not eating, just serving more and more to all of them.

— Midnight came and they all were on their way to the infierno, where I might see them again if God in his righteousness is unable to forgive me.

— When Monseñor and The Damned came, all the corpses were still warm like drunkards dozing after a long party. I was sitting in the middle of all them with a bottle of aguardiente in one hand and a handgun in the other. They took the weapon out of my hands. Monseñor offered confort, not forgiveness, and questioned me while the others secured the sembradio searching for more cabrones.

— By the time the place was alight in flames I was a corpse walking the sierra behind The Damned, I was one of them...

— I am one of them.

(Again, I'm waiting for simulations to finish, so I decided to keep building the story behind The Damned, now I went to picture just one of them and give hints as to the background of another. Let me see if I can get more socio and psychopaths for the whole bunch of The Damned.)

Thursday, February 17, 2011


I got sick and tired of head-butting into walls. I have decided to realize some ideas that have been on my mind for a while. So, I sat down and tried to teach myself Python to solve a problem regarding manipulation of matter with light.

After leaving the program running overnight at the workstation, I got to the office and ran the visualization program... What did I see? I saw SPIDERBEAM:

Lyx was the one that realized the similitude with Spiderman logo and Daniel got me this jpeg of the Spiderman 3 movie:

Note: I don't intend to violate any copyright. I tried to find the link for the jpeg but couldn't find it so I posted the jpeg that my friend made for me.

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Damned

—Have you ever heard the voice of God?

—O father, why the surprised face?

—Is that fear? You, of all of us in this room, are the one allegedly serving Him, the most Holy One. Us? We all have strayed into the dark path. We are the ones walking through the valley of shadow and death excommunicated from the comfort of His rod and staff. Surely, if you kept the cloth after all you have done in these years, you believe it all was good to the eyes of the Lord and not sinful at all. Then, there's nothing to fear.

Here, take this rosary, find your prayers. Examine yourself.

—Money? We don't care about money. Forgiveness? Haven't you been listening to us? We cannot forgive nor judge. Find your peace! We are not the legion nor the angel of death. We are just the damned collecting a fellow one.

—Brothers? No, you got it wrong. He said collecting, not recruiting. Alas! We are damned, we have sinned and keep sinning. We have chosen to fall and take with us the likes of you.

(Sometimes, mostly when I cannot find my bearings, I try to get my mind off-topic and 'reset.' As I keep banging into a wall with my research, today, I am trying something completely different to my usual love stories and I wrote something really violent where, I hope, different sociopath antihero characters can be realized.)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Last weekend movies...

It was the lunar new year, or Chinese New Year, and it meant a four and a half days long weekend. I focused my attention on sleeping and relax in order to start a new project that involves learning how to program in python. Thus, I spent a lot of time watching tv-series and one movie:

  1. Shutter Island, *****
    I have never been disappointed by a film directed by Martin Scorsese. His movies have all the old times signs and methods. The duet DiCaprio-Scorsese has been quite good in the last decade, add to it the supporting roles of Ben Kingsley and Max von Sydow and you have an awesome movie. The story is not predictable due to its many twists and keeps you making wild hypothesis that may or may not be true in the end.
On the tv-series side, I started watching an awesome series, Lie to me. I sat through the first season of this serial featuring Tim Roth playing a behavioral scientist that can spot any deception. Quiet curious is the case of two British men playing two researchers interested in lies; I mean the House MD and Lie to me cases. I cannot wait for the second season! On the other hand, Glee is not so funny any more, but the music is still great, I managed to catch up all the way to episode ten. I couldn't find a way to watch Big Bang Theory this weekend but I guess the guys were in some strange and funny circumstances. Anyway, right now I'm more focused on getting my hands on the second season of Lie to me. And that's all in the lazy weekend front.Link

Monday, February 7, 2011

Our article on Dicke's Quantum Phase Transition has been virtualized...

Now, I have no clue if there is a selection process or if each and every article published in the topic manages to get to these virtual journals. Anyway, this improves the chances that the article will be read by someone.

Want to read more about the article? Visit my publication list.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Last weekend movies...

It has been almost two months without movies. Life started moving fast and then slow, as always. With Lyx visiting, we found time to watch some movies and read a couple of books, but there was no time for the blog. I'm pretty sure I have a list of the movies I watched during these seven past weekends, but right now I remember two:

  1. Black Swan, *****
    Darren Aronofsky is a great director. I have always found the movies he has directed a source of entertainment, awe, despair and time to come to a complete halt, focus my attention, and think what the hell is happening in the screen; and not just actions, but feelings and ideas too.

  2. How to train your Dragon, *****
    I have always loved good animations. It is hard to find one that really keeps my attention due to details, technology used, script and storytelling. How to train your dragon is one of those few that have managed to keep me on my chair. The sky, the water, the fire! I cannot believe how advanced computer generated animation is! The movie seems to be very loosely based on the children's novel saga written by Cressida Cowell, which seem to be very entertaining on its own.
On the tv-series side... Lyx found out about No Ordinary Family and I have been following the first season from episode one to thirteen, it is a superhero series with a little bit of this and that. Not so great, not bad. I also managed to catch up with Big Bang Theory season four episodes nine to thirteen. For the Lunar New Year, I'm trying to catch on with Glee and the Walking Dead, wish me luck!Link